Best Mens Volleyball Shoes for Jumping

Best mens volleyball shoes for jumping and yes you might think you can do without when it comes to an indoor sport like volleyball but you are absolutely wrong and today I am going to help you understand why that is so.

Every sport has different rules, and requires different set of skills for its execution for which a certain type of shoes are supposed to be worn in order to apply all the elements to the sport while playing. But first you will need to learn what skills are required to play in order to figure out what kind of shoes will go best when it comes to playing volleyball.

best shoes for volleyball

Mens Volleyball Shoes for Jumping

The six basic volleyball skills include setting, digging, blocking, smashing, spiking, passing and serving and all the skills require constant jumping, running, acting quickly to a stimulus that puts your agility and other fitness components to test and there is where the need for the best high top volleyball shoes arises in order to not only play the sport but also prevent from serious injuries that playing that sport can cause.

Best volleyball shoes for setters

There is a misconception about wearing the same kind of shoes for different positions in volleyball and that needs to be corrected. All the positions in volleyball have completely different demands in order to execute the specific skills to perfection. For example, a setter’s shoes must have brilliant impact protection.

Some important factors you need to pay attention to while buying volleyball shoes are stability, comfort cushioning, durability, grip, breathability and lightweight. Though volleyball shoes should fit snug on your feet while there should be a little space in the toe area. Now you don’t want your shoes to fly off due to being either too fit or too small, try to find a size that is a snug fit for your feet to help you move about with ease and comfortably.

Best volleyball shoes for hitters

Best volleyball shoes for hitters

The aggressiveness that demands the position of a hitter requires the kind of shoes that are designed with excellent cushioning and shock absorption, all the while being lightweight. The key features that you should be looking for in the perfect pair of volleyball shoes for a hitter is cushioning, durability and stability.

Whether a setter, a libero or a hitter, wearing protective gears is a must in order to prevent yourself from the injuries that certain movements can cause. The best volleyball shoes for men is only one of the requirement to excel in the sport.

Indoor volleyball shoes

Like basketball, volleyball was meant to be played inside a gym court. Injury prevention, breathability, top (high, middle, low), traction, lightweight, pricing, cushioning and better jumps are only guaranteed once you buy a pair shoes relevant to your sport and to the environment in which you will be playing that sport. In that aspect, volleyball shoes to play either indoors or outdoors will be different from each other due to the demand and requirement of the playing field and the challenges that come with different sort of courts.

Indoor volleyball shoes

Best shoes for outdoor volleyball

Nobody likes persistent knee pain, nobody wants to break or sprain their ankle, nobody wants to either hurt any of their leg joints or trip on the court; and I am assuming you don’t want any of that either. Always remember that prevention is better than treatment. Now, if my outdoor volleyball you mean playing on sand or grass then you ought to know that those surfaces provide shock absorption naturally, meaning, you won’t need your indoor shoes. You will benefit from playing either barefoot, or a different pair of lightweight shoes that will pertain to the demands of playing outdoors.

Tip: While different shoes come with different levels of traction according to the need of the playing position, it can be hampered by dirt or dust which you need to prevent from happening so it’s important to keep the outsole clean as well as wipe the shoe bottom with a wet towel before the game.

What makes a good volleyball shoe

What makes a good volleyball shoe

Here the simple question is what are the best volleyball shoes and When it comes to volleyball to be successful, motor skills such as excellent hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and the capacity to jump high are crucial.

A pair of shoes which will aid you in performing all those skills successfully will be required.

So if you think you can wear any other sports-specific shoes while playing volleyball, you just will be missing out on a lot, since volleyball shoes comprise of a gum rubber sole material.

womens volleyball shoes

what the rubber does is that it gives your feet that extra traction on the gym floor while also preventing your shoes to slip on the floor. It helps ensure solid fitting, all the while helping in decreasing the probability of ankle and various other injuries. Volleyball shoes have a soft sole for that very reason and that is precisely why it is advised not to use them to walk on harsh, abrasive flooring as their impact can wear out the shoes very quickly.

If you’re looking for cheap women’s volleyball shoes then it is important to understand that cheap does not translate into poor quality as compromising on your wellness can lead you to injuries even long-term that can change the tides of your career for you. So be safe!

Best volleyball shoes


The guideline that I have gathered for you make me wish I had the same help while buying a pair of volleyball shoes for myself for the first time. It is extremely necessary to know what things you should be looking for when buying sports specific shoes, and volleyball shoes are no exception. Do consider what position you play in that will help you narrow down your options and make the quest easier for you. Meanwhile, I have made sure to put the necessary information in this blog post in order to help you to seriously consider all your options according to your desire and need before contemplating on buying a pair of the best shoes for volleyball.